
2019 - 2010年,来自32家捐助公司的200多名员工300多小时,以支持互联网,教育工作者,让我们在加拿大谈论科学志愿者的人和虚拟活动。188足球即时比分直播参与范围从判断比赛来说,完成职业资料,加入让我们对社区活动的科学网站和套件建设提供额外的外展活动材料。188足球即时比分直播



“这是一个有远见的捐助者来让我们谈论科学。The organization has not only made significant inroads raising the value of science literacy in the community, a mandate consistent with Amgen’s attention to attracting bright young minds into the field of science, they have also provided meaningful thought leadership and helped shape education policy in Canada and around the world. It has been a critical component of the value proposition at Amgen Canada that staff have the opportunity to support the community and they have enthusiastically participated as volunteers and role models both in person and virtually.”

Brian Heath,副总裁兼总经理,Amgen Canada Inc。



"It has been a pleasure supporting Let’s Talk Science over the years. Between the incredible work and dedication from volunteers and staff, to the interest and excitement of the many youth taking part in programming, it has been an enriching experience to see such commitment, passion and collaboration geared at expanding access to the sciences across Canada."

阿德里安库萨奇,总监公共事务,科学与可持续发展 - 拜耳Inc.



"Partnerships are not limited to our financial support, they are an opportunity to build relationships between community organizations and our employees. Whether through offering Let’s Talk Science our booth space at educational events, participation in the Let’s Talk Science Challenge and Career Exploration or activities with Outreach volunteers, Rio Tinto is pleased to support Let’s Talk Science in the development of educational STEM activities for all Canadian students."

Claudine Gagnon,总经理(临时)CSP,大西洋业务,RIO TINTO



"Employee engagement is an important part of the Roche Canada philanthropy program. Our partnership with Let’s Talk Science allows our employees to share their skills, knowledge and time through various in-person and online opportunities, such as building kits, speaking at or judging a Challenge, participating on a Career Panel, or speaking at a Symposium where they have the occasion to profile their career path. We look forward to our continued partnership with Let’s Talk Science where we can encourage students to participate and engage in STEM education."

Vanessa Federovich,副总裁,人民和企业服务副总裁,Hoffmann-La Roche Limited